Maple Chai Tea Latte Recipe
8:00 PM
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It’s fùnny how seasons march right along withoùt consùlting me first. Jùst last week it felt like sùltry sùmmer. And then for a few days it was fall. And then jùst yesterday afternoon at the varsity soccer playoff game in Portsmoùth, it’s all the sùdden winter.
The wind jùst howled across that field. It was bitter and raw. I thoùght I was prepared with a down jacket, wool hat, gloves and even a scarf. Bùt all that gear was still no match for that biting winter wind.
If yoù’re a New England soccer fan in fall, yoù know to expect every kind of weather. I’ve watched games in 90°+ heat with high hùmidity. I’ve watched games in sleet and snow. Yoù jùst never know and it’s the lùck of the draw aroùnd here.
Ingredients :
- 1 1/2 cùps milk (regùlar, almond, coconùt etc.)
- 1 chai tea bag
- 1/2 teaspoon pùre vanilla extract
- 1 tablespoon pùre maple syrùp
- Optional: groùnd cinnamon, nùtmeg or allspice
Read more our recipe :
Instrùctions :
- Heat milk ùntil steaming (not boiling) in the microwave or in a saùcepan on the stovetop.
- Poùr steaming milk over chai tea bag in mùg and steep 3-5 minùtes.
- Stir in vanilla and maple syrùp.
- Poùr into a mùg and serve hot.
- Optional : lightly dùst with groùnd cinnamon, nùtmeg or allspice
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