Fried Shrimps Balls

8:21 AM

Fried Shrimps Balls 


Serves 4


-10 oz prawns
-1 oz arrow heads (canned)
-2 cakes bean curds
-3 egg whites
-2 tablespoon cornstarch
-1/2 teaspoon salt
-1 tablespoon rice wine
-½ teaspoon pepper
-½ tablespoon sesame oil

-1 cup flour
-2 egg whites
-1 teaspoon baking powder
-½ teaspoon salt
-2 tablespoon melted lard
-1 teaspoon sesame oil

-Salt, cornstarch, cooking oil
1. De-vein the shrimps. Coat with salt and cornstarch. Wash under cold water, dry with a cloth and mince.

2. Mash the arrow heads with the flat side of a knife and mince. Put the beancurd through the sieve and squeeze the water.

3. In a bowl, combine the shrimps, bean curds and arrow heads and add the egg whites. Blend well till they start foaming. Season with seasoning ingredients, add the cornstarch and mix.

4. Coat a shallow mold thinly with lard, pour in the ingredients prepared in step 3 and steam over low heat for 20 minutes. (Be sure to keep the heat low. Steaming over high heat will make the center bulge out). Let cool and stiffen. (If you cover and place it in the refrigerator, it will keep for a few days). Cut it into 3 x 1.5 cm pieces and dredge with cornstarch.

5. Make the batter. Combine all the ingredients in a bowl. Adding water little by little, mix quickly. The batter should be somewhat thin and watery and run easily off the spoon. (if you add water too slowly, the batter will become thick and sticky. If you add water too much at a time, the batter will become rumpy. The best way is to turn the faucet so that the water will run in a string-like stream. Place the bowl tightly underneath the faucet and mix with your hand at first. Remove the bowl and add necessary amount of water little by little checking the thickness of the batter)

6. Pour 5 cups of oil in a wok and heat to 300°F. Dip the shrimp cakes into the batter one by one, coat and drip it into the oil. When the surface becomes inflated and lightly brown in color, remove from the oil. Trim each piece with a knife and arrange on a platter. Garnish with parsley, tomato or cucumber. Serve pepper salt and catsup separately. (Shrimp cakes are already cooked, so the frying has only to cook the batter)

Serve and enjoy this delicious Chinese Food Recipe – fried shrimp balls

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