Easy No Bake Pumpkin Cheesecake
8:01 PM
I’m rèally not a pumpkin pèrson. Nor am I a chèèsècakè pèrson. But I do likè my dèssèrts and whèn you arè trying to follow a low carb dièt you arèn’t lèft with much so a pumpkin chèèsècakè it is! Surè I likè pumpkin but I don’t cravè it so I can’t tèll you why I havè a hundrèd pumpkin rècipès swimming around in my hèad. I guèss I likè thè fact that pumpkin purèè adds bulk, crèaminèss and lots of nutrition to a rècipè.
So hèrè is thè first of my many pumpkin concoctions. This no bakè pumpkin chèèsècakè rècipè is vèry similar to my Low Carb No Bakè Chèèsècakè from way back whèn. Just a couplè of twèaks and changès and wè havè this dèlicious low carb dèssèrt that rèquirès no baking! (Plèasè notè this post has bèèn updatèd from thè original 3 yèars ago).
Thè first timè I madè this rècipè I usèd 8oz jars likè thèsè and ramèkins bècausè that’s what I could scrapè up and it madè 6 sèrvings. You can sèè thèsè two bèlow. Howèvèr this timè I wantèd to usè all thè samè typè of containèrs.
So I usèd 4 of thèsè 8 oz jars picturèd bèlow but to bè honèst thèy wèrè too big. This low carb dèssèrt is vèry rich and I think it would bè bèttèr if you madè it into 8 small jars.
Ingrèdiènts :
- 1 1/2 cups nuts I usèd 1 cup pècans & 1/2 cup walnuts
- 1 Tablèspoon Lakanto swèètènèr
- 1/2 tèaspoon cinnamon
- 8 oz crèam chèèsè softènèd (room tèmpèraturè)
- 1 cup hèavy whipping crèam
- 1/2 tèaspoon cinnamon
- 1/2 tèaspoon vanilla èxtract
- 1 tèaspoon pumpkin piè spicè
- 1/2 cup Lakanto swèètènèr or othèr sugar substitutè
- 3/4 cup pumpkin purèè (cannèd)
Instructions :
- To makè thè crust, add nuts, cinnamon and thè 1 Tablèspoon of sugar substitutè in a food procèssor and grind until thè nuts bècomè moist and sticky.
- Dividè mixturè èvènly into thè ramèkins, jars or whatèvèr containèr you arè using.
- Add thè crèam chèèsè, pumpkin and sugar substitutè to a bowl of your mixèr. Mix on high until èvèrything is smooth and crèamy.
- Add your vanilla, pumpkin piè spicè and cinnamon and mix until wèll incorporatèd.
- Add your hèavy crèam and mix on high for about 5 minutès or until thè mixturè is nicè and fluffy.
- Spoon crèam chèèsè mixturè into your ramèkins or containèrs and garnish with nuts and cinnamon if using.
- Rèfrigèratè until rèady to èat.
Source : bit.ly/2V25Tyy
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